.. advertools documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 6 20:35:47 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. meta:: :google-site-verification: GcN6XL_hWV3BP2Y9FNLjmTXxysS7QxJs804KoF15n_c .. meta:: :msvalidate.01: 527FAF22ADAF509BA5A2DDC3DDED12F5 .. meta:: :description lang=en: Get productive as an online marketer with a Python package that helps in automating many of the important tasks. .. raw:: html advertools ========== Online marketing productivity and analysis tools ------------------------------------------------ Crawl websites, Generate keywords for SEM campaigns, create text ads on a large scale, analyze multiple SERPs at once, gain insights from large social media posts, and get productive as an online marketer. If these are things you are interested in, then this package might make your life a little easier. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: About advertools Survey - your feedback Command Line Interface To install advertools, run the following from the command line:: pip install advertools # OR: pip3 install advertools .. toctree:: :caption: SEM Generate SEM Keywords Create Text Ads on a Large Scale Create Text Ads From Description Text .. toctree:: :caption: SEO robots.txt XML Sitemaps SEO Spider / Crawler Crawl Strategies Crawl Analytics Crawl headers (HEAD method only) Crawl images Crawl Logs Analysis Reverse DNS Lookup Analyze Search Engine Results (SERPs) Google's Knowledge Graph .. toctree:: :caption: Text & Content Analysis URL Structure Analysis Emoji Tools Extract Structured Entities from Text Stop Words Text Analysis (absolute & weighted word frequency) Word Tokenization (N-grams) .. toctree:: :caption: Social Media Twitter Data API YouTube Data API Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search` .. toctree:: :caption: Index & Change Log Index & Change Log