.. _youtube:
YouTube Data API
from ._yt_helpers import _combine_requests
__all__ = [
def activities_list(
"""Returns a list of channel activity events that match the request
criteria. For example, you can retrieve events associated with a particular
channel or with the user's own channel.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more activity resource properties that the API response will
include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in an activity resource, the snippet property contains other
properties that identify the type of activity, a display title for the
activity, and so forth. If you set part=snippet, the API response will
also contain all of those nested properties.The following list contains
the part names that you can include in the parameter value and the
quota cost for each part: contentDetails: 2 id: 0 snippet: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param channelId: string The channelId parameter specifies a unique
YouTube channel ID. The API will then return a list of that channel's
:param home: boolean Note: This parameter has been deprecated.For requests
that set this parameter, the API response contains items similar to
those that a logged-out user would see on the YouTube home page. Note
that this parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request.
:param mine: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to retrieve a
feed of the authenticated user's activities.
*Optional parameters:*
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.
:param publishedAfter: datetime The publishedAfter parameter specifies the
earliest date and time that an activity could have occurred for that
activity to be included in the API response. If the parameter value
specifies a day, but not a time, then any activities that occurred that
day will be included in the result set. The value is specified in ISO
8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format.
:param publishedBefore: datetime The publishedBefore parameter specifies
the date and time before which an activity must have occurred for that
activity to be included in the API response. If the parameter value
specifies a day, but not a time, then any activities that occurred that
day will be excluded from the result set. The value is specified in ISO
8601 (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ) format.
:param regionCode: string The regionCode parameter instructs the API to
return results for the specified country. The parameter value is an ISO
3166-1 alpha-2 country code. YouTube uses this value when the
authorized user's previous activity on YouTube does not provide enough
information to generate the activity feed.
args = locals()
part_params = {"contentDetails", "id", "snippet"}
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if sum([bool(p) for p in [channelId, home, mine]]) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"make sure you specify exactly one of ['channelId', 'home', 'mine']"
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/activities"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def videos_list(
"""Returns a list of videos that match the API request parameters.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more video resource properties that the API response will
include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in a video resource, the snippet property contains the
channelId, title, description, tags, and categoryId properties. As
such, if you set part=snippet, the API response will contain all of
those properties.The following list contains the part names that you
can include in the parameter value and the quota cost for each part:
contentDetails: 2 fileDetails: 1 id: 0 liveStreamingDetails: 2
localizations: 2 player: 0 processingDetails: 1 recordingDetails: 2
snippet: 2 statistics: 2 status: 2 suggestions: 1 topicDetails: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param chart: string The chart parameter identifies the chart that you
want to retrieve.Acceptable values are: mostPopular – Return the most
popular videos for the specified content region and video category.
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of the
YouTube video ID(s) for the resource(s) that are being retrieved. In a
video resource, the id property specifies the video's ID.
:param myRating: string This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Set this parameter's value to like or dislike to
instruct the API to only return videos liked or disliked by the
authenticated user.Acceptable values are: dislike – Returns only videos
disliked by the authenticated user. like – Returns only video liked by
the authenticated user.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter instructs the API to retrieve localized
resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube
website supports. The parameter value must be a language code included
in the list returned by the i18nLanguages.list method.If localized
resource details are available in that language, the resource's
snippet.localized object will contain the localized values. However, if
localized details are not available, the snippet.localized object will
contain resource details in the resource's default language.
:param maxHeight: unsigned integer The maxHeight parameter specifies the
maximum height of the embedded player returned in the player.embedHtml
property. You can use this parameter to specify that instead of the
default dimensions, the embed code should use a height appropriate for
your application layout. If the maxWidth parameter is also provided,
the player may be shorter than the maxHeight in order to not violate
the maximum width. Acceptable values are 72 to 8192, inclusive.
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param maxWidth: unsigned integer The maxWidth parameter specifies the
maximum width of the embedded player returned in the player.embedHtml
property. You can use this parameter to specify that instead of the
default dimensions, the embed code should use a width appropriate for
your application layout.If the maxHeight parameter is also provided,
the player may be narrower than maxWidth in order to not violate the
maximum height. Acceptable values are 72 to 8192, inclusive.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.Note: This parameter is supported for use in
conjunction with the myRating parameter, but it is not supported for
use in conjunction with the id parameter.
:param regionCode: string The regionCode parameter instructs the API to
select a video chart available in the specified region. This parameter
can only be used in conjunction with the chart parameter. The parameter
value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
:param videoCategoryId: string The videoCategoryId parameter identifies
the video category for which the chart should be retrieved. This
parameter can only be used in conjunction with the chart parameter. By
default, charts are not restricted to a particular category. The
default value is 0.
args = locals()
part_params = {
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if sum([bool(p) for p in [chart, id, myRating]]) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"make sure you specify exactly one of ['chart', 'id', 'myRating']"
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videos"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def video_categories_list(key, part, id=None, regionCode=None, hl=None):
"""Returns a list of categories that can be associated with YouTube videos.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies the videoCategory
resource properties that the API response will include. Set the
parameter value to snippet. The snippet part has a quota cost of 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
video category IDs for the resources that you are retrieving.
:param regionCode: string The regionCode parameter instructs the API to
return the list of video categories available in the specified country.
The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter specifies the language that should be
used for text values in the API response. The default value is en_US.
args = locals()
if sum([bool(p) for p in [id, regionCode]]) != 1:
raise ValueError("make sure you specify exactly one of ['id', 'regionCode']")
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/videoCategories"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=None, max_allowed=None)
def search(
"""Returns a collection of search results that match the query parameters
specified in the API request. By default, a search result set identifies
matching video , channel , and playlist resources, but you can also
configure queries to only retrieve a specific type of resource.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more search resource properties that the API response will
include. Set the parameter value to snippet.
*Filters (specify 0 or 1 of the following parameters):*
:param forContentOwner: boolean This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request, and it is intended exclusively for YouTube
content partners.The forContentOwner parameter restricts the search to
only retrieve videos owned by the content owner identified by the
onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter. If forContentOwner is set to true,
the request must also meet these requirements:The
onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter is required.The user authorizing the
request must be using an account linked to the specified content
owner.The type parameter value must be set to video.None of the
following other parameters can be set: videoDefinition, videoDimension,
videoDuration, videoLicense, videoEmbeddable, videoSyndicated,
:param forDeveloper: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. The forDeveloper parameter restricts the search to
only retrieve videos uploaded via the developer's application or
website. The API server uses the request's authorization credentials to
identify the developer. The forDeveloper parameter can be used in
conjunction with optional search parameters like the q parameter.For
this feature, each uploaded video is automatically tagged with the
project number that is associated with the developer's application in
the Google Developers Console.When a search request subsequently sets
the forDeveloper parameter to true, the API server uses the request's
authorization credentials to identify the developer. Therefore, a
developer can restrict results to videos uploaded through the
developer's own app or website but not to videos uploaded through other
apps or sites.
:param forMine: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. The forMine parameter restricts the search to only
retrieve videos owned by the authenticated user. If you set this
parameter to true, then the type parameter's value must also be set to
video. In addition, none of the following other parameters can be set
in the same request: videoDefinition, videoDimension, videoDuration,
videoLicense, videoEmbeddable, videoSyndicated, videoType.
:param relatedToVideoId: string The relatedToVideoId parameter retrieves a
list of videos that are related to the video that the parameter value
identifies. The parameter value must be set to a YouTube video ID and,
if you are using this parameter, the type parameter must be set to
video.Note that if the relatedToVideoId parameter is set, the only
other supported parameters are part, maxResults, pageToken, regionCode,
relevanceLanguage, safeSearch, type (which must be set to video), and
*Optional parameters:*
:param channelId: string The channelId parameter indicates that the API
response should only contain resources created by the channel. Note:
Search results are constrained to a maximum of 500 videos if your
request specifies a value for the channelId parameter and sets the type
parameter value to video, but it does not also set one of the
forContentOwner, forDeveloper, or forMine filters.
:param channelType: string The channelType parameter lets you restrict a
search to a particular type of channel.Acceptable values are: any –
Return all channels. show – Only retrieve shows.
:param eventType: string The eventType parameter restricts a search to
broadcast events. If you specify a value for this parameter, you must
also set the type parameter's value to video.Acceptable values are:
completed – Only include completed broadcasts. live – Only include
active broadcasts. upcoming – Only include upcoming broadcasts.
:param location: string The location parameter, in conjunction with the
locationRadius parameter, defines a circular geographic area and also
restricts a search to videos that specify, in their metadata, a
geographic location that falls within that area. The parameter value is
a string that specifies latitude/longitude coordinates e.g.
(37.42307,-122.08427).The location parameter value identifies the point
at the center of the area.The locationRadius parameter specifies the
maximum distance that the location associated with a video can be from
that point for the video to still be included in the search results.The
API returns an error if your request specifies a value for the location
parameter but does not also specify a value for the locationRadius
:param locationRadius: string The locationRadius parameter, in conjunction
with the location parameter, defines a circular geographic area.The
parameter value must be a floating point number followed by a
measurement unit. Valid measurement units are m, km, ft, and mi. For
example, valid parameter values include 1500m, 5km, 10000ft, and
0.75mi. The API does not support locationRadius parameter values larger
than 1000 kilometers.Note: See the definition of the location parameter
for more information.
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
:param order: string The order parameter specifies the method that will be
used to order resources in the API response. The default value is
relevance.Acceptable values are: date – Resources are sorted in reverse
chronological order based on the date they were created. rating –
Resources are sorted from highest to lowest rating. relevance –
Resources are sorted based on their relevance to the search query. This
is the default value for this parameter. title – Resources are sorted
alphabetically by title. videoCount – Channels are sorted in descending
order of their number of uploaded videos. viewCount – Resources are
sorted from highest to lowest number of views. For live broadcasts,
videos are sorted by number of concurrent viewers while the broadcasts
are ongoing.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.
:param publishedAfter: datetime The publishedAfter parameter indicates
that the API response should only contain resources created at or after
the specified time. The value is an RFC 3339 formatted date-time value
:param publishedBefore: datetime The publishedBefore parameter indicates
that the API response should only contain resources created before or
at the specified time. The value is an RFC 3339 formatted date-time
value (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
:param q: string The q parameter specifies the query term to search
for.Your request can also use the Boolean NOT (-) and OR (|) operators
to exclude videos or to find videos that are associated with one of
several search terms. For example, to search for videos matching either
"boating" or "sailing", set the q parameter value to boating|sailing.
Similarly, to search for videos matching either "boating" or "sailing"
but not "fishing", set the q parameter value to boating|sailing
-fishing. Note that the pipe character must be URL-escaped when it is
sent in your API request. The URL-escaped value for the pipe character
is %7C.
:param regionCode: string The regionCode parameter instructs the API to
return search results for videos that can be viewed in the specified
country. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
:param relevanceLanguage: string The relevanceLanguage parameter instructs
the API to return search results that are most relevant to the
specified language. The parameter value is typically an ISO 639-1 two-
letter language code. However, you should use the values zh-Hans for
simplified Chinese and zh-Hant for traditional Chinese. Please note
that results in other languages will still be returned if they are
highly relevant to the search query term.
:param safeSearch: string The safeSearch parameter indicates whether the
search results should include restricted content as well as standard
content.Acceptable values are: moderate – YouTube will filter some
content from search results and, at the least, will filter content that
is restricted in your locale. Based on their content, search results
could be removed from search results or demoted in search results. This
is the default parameter value. none – YouTube will not filter the
search result set. strict – YouTube will try to exclude all restricted
content from the search result set. Based on their content, search
results could be removed from search results or demoted in search
:param topicId: string The topicId parameter indicates that the API
response should only contain resources associated with the specified
topic. The value identifies a Freebase topic ID.Important: Due to the
deprecation of Freebase and the Freebase API, the topicId parameter
started working differently as of February 27, 2017. At that time,
YouTube started supporting a small set of curated topic IDs, and you
can only use that smaller set of IDs as values for this parameter. See
topic IDs supported as of February 15, 2017 Topics Music topics
/m/04rlf Music (parent topic) /m/02mscn Christian music /m/0ggq0m
Classical music /m/01lyv Country /m/02lkt Electronic music
/m/0glt670 Hip hop music /m/05rwpb Independent music /m/03_d0 Jazz
/m/028sqc Music of Asia /m/0g293 Music of Latin America /m/064t9
Pop music /m/06cqb Reggae /m/06j6l Rhythm and blues /m/06by7 Rock
music /m/0gywn Soul music Gaming topics /m/0bzvm2 Gaming (parent
topic) /m/025zzc Action game /m/02ntfj Action-adventure game
/m/0b1vjn Casual game /m/02hygl Music video game /m/04q1x3q Puzzle
video game /m/01sjng Racing video game /m/0403l3g Role-playing
video game /m/021bp2 Simulation video game /m/022dc6 Sports game
/m/03hf_rm Strategy video game Sports topics /m/06ntj Sports
(parent topic) /m/0jm\_ American football /m/018jz Baseball
/m/018w8 Basketball /m/01cgz Boxing /m/09xp\_ Cricket /m/02vx4
Football /m/037hz Golf /m/03tmr Ice hockey /m/01h7lh Mixed
martial arts /m/0410tth Motorsport /m/07bs0 Tennis /m/07_53
Volleyball Entertainment topics /m/02jjt Entertainment (parent
topic) /m/09kqc Humor /m/02vxn Movies /m/05qjc Performing arts
/m/066wd Professional wrestling /m/0f2f9 TV shows Lifestyle topics
/m/019_rr Lifestyle (parent topic) /m/032tl Fashion /m/027x7n
Fitness /m/02wbm Food /m/03glg Hobby /m/068hy Pets /m/041xxh
Physical attractiveness [Beauty] /m/07c1v Technology /m/07bxq
Tourism /m/07yv9 Vehicles Society topics /m/098wr Society (parent
topic) /m/09s1f Business /m/0kt51 Health /m/01h6rj Military
/m/05qt0 Politics /m/06bvp Religion Other topics /m/01k8wb
:param type: string The type parameter restricts a search query to only
retrieve a particular type of resource. The value is a comma-separated
list of resource types. The default value is
video,channel,playlist.Acceptable values are: channelplaylistvideo
:param videoCaption: string The videoCaption parameter indicates whether
the API should filter video search results based on whether they have
captions. If you specify a value for this parameter, you must also set
the type parameter's value to video.Acceptable values are: any – Do not
filter results based on caption availability. closedCaption – Only
include videos that have captions. none – Only include videos that do
not have captions.
:param videoCategoryId: string The videoCategoryId parameter filters video
search results based on their category. If you specify a value for this
parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to video.
:param videoDefinition: string The videoDefinition parameter lets you
restrict a search to only include either high definition (HD) or
standard definition (SD) videos. HD videos are available for playback
in at least 720p, though higher resolutions, like 1080p, might also be
available. If you specify a value for this parameter, you must also set
the type parameter's value to video.Acceptable values are: any – Return
all videos, regardless of their resolution. high – Only retrieve HD
videos. standard – Only retrieve videos in standard definition.
:param videoDimension: string The videoDimension parameter lets you
restrict a search to only retrieve 2D or 3D videos. If you specify a
value for this parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value
to video.Acceptable values are: 2d – Restrict search results to exclude
3D videos. 3d – Restrict search results to only include 3D videos. any
– Include both 3D and non-3D videos in returned results. This is the
default value.
:param videoDuration: string The videoDuration parameter filters video
search results based on their duration. If you specify a value for this
parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to
video.Acceptable values are: any – Do not filter video search results
based on their duration. This is the default value. long – Only include
videos longer than 20 minutes. medium – Only include videos that are
between four and 20 minutes long (inclusive). short – Only include
videos that are less than four minutes long.
:param videoEmbeddable: string The videoEmbeddable parameter lets you to
restrict a search to only videos that can be embedded into a webpage.
If you specify a value for this parameter, you must also set the type
parameter's value to video.Acceptable values are: any – Return all
videos, embeddable or not. true – Only retrieve embeddable videos.
:param videoLicense: string The videoLicense parameter filters search
results to only include videos with a particular license. YouTube lets
video uploaders choose to attach either the Creative Commons license or
the standard YouTube license to each of their videos. If you specify a
value for this parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value
to video.Acceptable values are: any – Return all videos, regardless of
which license they have, that match the query parameters.
creativeCommon – Only return videos that have a Creative Commons
license. Users can reuse videos with this license in other videos that
they create. Learn more. youtube – Only return videos that have the
standard YouTube license.
:param videoSyndicated: string The videoSyndicated parameter lets you to
restrict a search to only videos that can be played outside
youtube.com. If you specify a value for this parameter, you must also
set the type parameter's value to video.Acceptable values are: any –
Return all videos, syndicated or not. true – Only retrieve syndicated
:param videoType: string The videoType parameter lets you restrict a
search to a particular type of videos. If you specify a value for this
parameter, you must also set the type parameter's value to
video.Acceptable values are: any – Return all videos. episode – Only
retrieve episodes of shows. movie – Only retrieve movies.
args = locals()
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def subscriptions_list(
"""Returns subscription resources that match the API request criteria.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more subscription resource properties that the API response will
include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in a subscription resource, the snippet property contains
other properties, such as a display title for the subscription. If you
set part=snippet, the API response will also contain all of those
nested properties.The following list contains the part names that you
can include in the parameter value and the quota cost for each part:
contentDetails: 2 id: 0 snippet: 2 subscriberSnippet: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param channelId: string The channelId parameter specifies a YouTube
channel ID. The API will only return that channel's subscriptions.
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of the
YouTube subscription ID(s) for the resource(s) that are being
retrieved. In a subscription resource, the id property specifies the
YouTube subscription ID.
:param mine: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to retrieve a
feed of the authenticated user's subscriptions.
:param myRecentSubscribers: boolean This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to
retrieve a feed of the subscribers of the authenticated user in reverse
chronological order (newest first).Note that this parameter only
supports retrieval of the most recent 1000 subscribers to the
authenticated user's channel. To retrieve a complete list of
subscribers, use the mySubscribers parameter. That parameter, which
does not return subscribers in a particular order, does not limit the
number of subscribers that can be retrieved.
:param mySubscribers: boolean This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to
retrieve a feed of the subscribers of the authenticated user in no
particular order.
*Optional parameters:*
:param forChannelId: string The forChannelId parameter specifies a comma-
separated list of channel IDs. The API response will then only contain
subscriptions matching those channels.
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel: string This parameter can only be
used in a properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The
onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameter specifies the YouTube channel
ID of the channel to which a video is being added. This parameter is
required when a request specifies a value for the
onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter, and it can only be used in
conjunction with that parameter. In addition, the request must be
authorized using a CMS account that is linked to the content owner that
the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter specifies. Finally, the channel
that the onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameter value specifies must
be linked to the content owner that the onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter specifies.This parameter is intended for YouTube content
partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows
content owners to authenticate once and perform actions on behalf of
the channel specified in the parameter value, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each separate channel.
:param order: string The order parameter specifies the method that will be
used to sort resources in the API response. The default value is
SUBSCRIPTION_ORDER_RELEVANCE.Acceptable values are: alphabetical – Sort
alphabetically. relevance – Sort by relevance. unread – Sort by order
of activity.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.
args = locals()
part_params = {"contentDetails", "id", "subscriberSnippet", "snippet"}
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if (
[bool(p) for p in [channelId, id, mine, myRecentSubscribers, mySubscribers]]
!= 1
raise ValueError(
"""make sure you specify exactly one of
['channelId', 'id', 'mine', 'myRecentSubscribers', 'mySubscribers']"""
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/subscriptions"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def i18n_regions_list(key, part, hl=None):
"""Returns a list of content regions that the YouTube website supports.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies the i18nRegion resource
properties that the API response will include. Set the parameter value
to snippet. The snippet part has a quota cost of 1 unit.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter specifies the language that should be
used for text values in the API response. The default value is en_US.
args = locals()
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/i18nRegions"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=None, max_allowed=None)
def playlists_list(
"""Returns a collection of playlists that match the API request parameters.
For example, you can retrieve all playlists that the authenticated user
owns, or you can retrieve one or more playlists by their unique IDs.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more playlist resource properties that the API response will
include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in a playlist resource, the snippet property contains
properties like author, title, description, tags, and timeCreated. As
such, if you set part=snippet, the API response will contain all of
those properties.The following list contains the part names that you
can include in the parameter value and the quota cost for each part:
contentDetails: 2 id: 0 localizations: 2 player: 0 snippet: 2 status: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param channelId: string This value indicates that the API should only
return the specified channel's playlists.
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of the
YouTube playlist ID(s) for the resource(s) that are being retrieved. In
a playlist resource, the id property specifies the playlist's YouTube
playlist ID.
:param mine: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to instruct the
API to only return playlists owned by the authenticated user.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter instructs the API to retrieve localized
resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube
website supports. The parameter value must be a language code included
in the list returned by the i18nLanguages.list method.If localized
resource details are available in that language, the resource's
snippet.localized object will contain the localized values. However, if
localized details are not available, the snippet.localized object will
contain resource details in the resource's default language.
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel: string This parameter can only be
used in a properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The
onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameter specifies the YouTube channel
ID of the channel to which a video is being added. This parameter is
required when a request specifies a value for the
onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter, and it can only be used in
conjunction with that parameter. In addition, the request must be
authorized using a CMS account that is linked to the content owner that
the onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter specifies. Finally, the channel
that the onBehalfOfContentOwnerChannel parameter value specifies must
be linked to the content owner that the onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter specifies.This parameter is intended for YouTube content
partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows
content owners to authenticate once and perform actions on behalf of
the channel specified in the parameter value, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each separate channel.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.
args = locals()
part_params = {
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if sum([bool(p) for p in [channelId, id, mine]]) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"make sure you specify exactly one of ['channelId', 'id', 'mine']"
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlists"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def i18n_languages_list(key, part, hl=None):
"""Returns a list of application languages that the YouTube website
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies the i18nLanguage resource
properties that the API response will include. Set the parameter value
to snippet. The snippet part has a quota cost of 1 unit.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter specifies the language that should be
used for text values in the API response. The default value is en_US.
args = locals()
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/i18nLanguages"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=None, max_allowed=None)
def playlist_items_list(
"""Returns a collection of playlist items that match the API request
parameters. You can retrieve all of the playlist items in a specified
playlist or retrieve one or more playlist items by their unique IDs.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more playlistItem resource properties that the API response will
include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in a playlistItem resource, the snippet property contains
numerous fields, including the title, description, position, and
resourceId properties. As such, if you set part=snippet, the API
response will contain all of those properties.The following list
contains the part names that you can include in the parameter value and
the quota cost for each part: contentDetails: 2 id: 0 snippet: 2
status: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one
or more unique playlist item IDs.
:param playlistId: string The playlistId parameter specifies the unique ID
of the playlist for which you want to retrieve playlist items. Note
that even though this is an optional parameter, every request to
retrieve playlist items must specify a value for either the id
parameter or the playlistId parameter.
*Optional parameters:*
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.
:param videoId: string The videoId parameter specifies that the request
should return only the playlist items that contain the specified video.
args = locals()
part_params = {"contentDetails", "id", "snippet", "status"}
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if sum([bool(p) for p in [id, playlistId]]) != 1:
raise ValueError("make sure you specify exactly one of ['id', 'playlistId']")
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def guide_categories_list(key, part, id=None, regionCode=None, hl=None):
"""Returns a list of categories that can be associated with YouTube
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies the guideCategory
resource properties that the API response will include. Set the
parameter value to snippet. The snippet part has a quota cost of 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of the
YouTube channel category ID(s) for the resource(s) that are being
retrieved. In a guideCategory resource, the id property specifies the
YouTube channel category ID.
:param regionCode: string The regionCode parameter instructs the API to
return the list of guide categories available in the specified country.
The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter specifies the language that will be
used for text values in the API response. The default value is en-US.
# args = locals()
# if sum([bool(p) for p in [id, regionCode]]) != 1:
# raise ValueError("make sure you specify exactly one of ['id', 'regionCode']")
# base_url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/guideCategories'
# return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=None, max_allowed=None)
raise ValueError("This function has been deprecated as of September 9, 2020")
def channel_sections_list(
key, part, channelId=None, id=None, mine=None, hl=None, onBehalfOfContentOwner=None
"""Returns a list of resources that match the API request criteria.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more channelSection resource properties that the API response
will include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in a channelSection resource, the snippet property contains
other properties, such as a display title for the section. If you set
part=snippet, the API response will also contain all of those nested
properties.The following list contains the part names that you can
include in the parameter value and the quota cost for each part:
contentDetails: 2 id: 0 localizations: 2 snippet: 2 targeting: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param channelId: string The channelId parameter specifies a YouTube
channel ID. If a request specifies a value for this parameter, the API
will only return the specified channel's sections.
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of IDs
that uniquely identify the channelSection resources that are being
retrieved. In a channelSection resource, the id property specifies the
section's ID.
:param mine: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to retrieve a
feed of the channel sections associated with the authenticated user's
YouTube channel.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter instructs the API to retrieve localized
resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube
website supports. The parameter value must be a language code included
in the list returned by the i18nLanguages.list method.If localized
resource details are available in that language, the resource's
snippet.localized object will contain the localized values. However, if
localized details are not available, the snippet.localized object will
contain resource details in the resource's default language.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
args = locals()
part_params = {"contentDetails", "id", "snippet", "localizations", "targeting"}
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if sum([bool(p) for p in [channelId, id, mine]]) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"make sure you specify exactly one of ['channelId', 'id', 'mine']"
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channelSections"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=None, max_allowed=None)
def channels_list(
"""Returns a collection of zero or more resources that match the request
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of
one or more channel resource properties that the API response will
include.If the parameter identifies a property that contains child
properties, the child properties will be included in the response. For
example, in a channel resource, the contentDetails property contains
other properties, such as the uploads properties. As such, if you set
part=contentDetails, the API response will also contain all of those
nested properties.The following list contains the part names that you
can include in the parameter value and the quota cost for each part:
auditDetails: 4 brandingSettings: 2 contentDetails: 2
contentOwnerDetails: 2 id: 0 invideoPromotion: 2 (deprecated)
localizations: 2 snippet: 2 statistics: 2 status: 2 topicDetails: 2
*Filters (specify exactly one of the following parameters):*
:param categoryId: string The categoryId parameter specifies a YouTube
guide category, thereby requesting YouTube channels associated with
that category.
:param forUsername: string The forUsername parameter specifies a YouTube
username, thereby requesting the channel associated with that username.
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of the
YouTube channel ID(s) for the resource(s) that are being retrieved. In
a channel resource, the id property specifies the channel's YouTube
channel ID.
:param managedByMe: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended exclusively for
YouTube content partners.Set this parameter's value to true to instruct
the API to only return channels managed by the content owner that the
onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter specifies. The user must be
authenticated as a CMS account linked to the specified content owner
and onBehalfOfContentOwner must be provided.
:param mine: boolean This parameter can only be used in a properly
authorized request. Set this parameter's value to true to instruct the
API to only return channels owned by the authenticated user.
:param mySubscribers: boolean This parameter has been deprecated. This
parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request. Use the
subscriptions.list method and its mySubscribers parameter to retrieve a
list of subscribers to the authenticated user's channel.
*Optional parameters:*
:param hl: string The hl parameter instructs the API to retrieve localized
resource metadata for a specific application language that the YouTube
website supports. The parameter value must be a language code included
in the list returned by the i18nLanguages.list method.If localized
resource details are available in that language, the resource's
snippet.localized object will contain the localized values. However, if
localized details are not available, the snippet.localized object will
contain resource details in the resource's default language.
:param maxResults: unsigned integer The maxResults parameter specifies the
maximum number of items that should be returned in the result set.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The CMS account
that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified
YouTube content owner.
:param pageToken: string The pageToken parameter identifies a specific
page in the result set that should be returned. In an API response, the
nextPageToken and prevPageToken properties identify other pages that
could be retrieved.
args = locals()
part_params = {
"(deprecated) localizations",
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
if (
for p in [categoryId, forUsername, id, managedByMe, mine, mySubscribers]
!= 1
raise ValueError(
"""make sure you specify exactly one of
['categoryId', 'forUsername', 'id', 'managedByMe', 'mine', 'mySubscribers']"""
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/channels"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=maxResults, max_allowed=50)
def captions_list(key, part, videoId, id=None, onBehalfOfContentOwner=None):
"""Returns a list of caption tracks that are associated with a specified
video. Note that the API response does not contain the actual captions and
that the captions.download method provides the ability to retrieve a
caption track.
*Required parameters:*
:param key: string Your Google API key.
:param part: string The part parameter specifies the caption resource
parts that the API response will include.The list below contains the
part names that you can include in the parameter value and the quota
cost for each part: id: 0 snippet: 1
:param videoId: string The videoId parameter specifies the YouTube video
ID of the video for which the API should return caption tracks.
*Optional parameters:*
:param id: string The id parameter specifies a comma-separated list of IDs
that identify the caption resources that should be retrieved. Each ID
must identify a caption track associated with the specified video.
:param onBehalfOfContentOwner: string This parameter can only be used in a
properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended
exclusively for YouTube content partners.The onBehalfOfContentOwner
parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials
identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content
owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for
YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube
channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access
to all their video and channel data, without having to provide
authentication credentials for each individual channel. The actual CMS
account that the user authenticates with must be linked to the
specified YouTube content owner.
args = locals()
part_params = {"id", "snippet"}
if not set(part.split(",")).issubset(part_params):
raise ValueError(
"make sure your `part` parameter is one or more of " + str(part_params)
base_url = "https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/captions"
return _combine_requests(args, base_url, count=None, max_allowed=None)