Source code for advertools.kw_generate

.. _kw_generate:

Generate Keywords for SEM Campaigns

A big part of setting up SEM campaigns consists of generating keywords, and
properly mapping them to landing pages and ads, as well as putting them in the
right campaign and ad group structure.

Keyword research is the part of this task that takes the most time. It is
very tedious, yet extremely important.

The shift here is that we are going to be *generating* keywords as opposed to
researching them.

What is a keyword anyway?

It is basically a phrase that contains two things:

:Product: This is the thing that you are selling. It is simply the name of it.
          "barcelona", "guitar", "rio de janeiro", "accounting".
          The product on its own is not enough for us to understand what the
          user is looking for. "barcelona trips" and "barcelona football club"
          are completely different "keywords" for example.

:Word: To give meaning to the product, it has to come with a word. The word
       can be a verb like "buy" or "purchase", and it can also be another noun,
       but with a clear intent expressed; "price" and "offers" for example
       clearly show purchase intent.

So, to *generate* keywords we need phrases that contain both, the product and
the descriptive word(s).
It is very easy to get the products as you know what you sell.
The next thing you need to come up with are the words that work within your
The most import idea here is that once you determine that you sell courses for
example, there aren't really that many words that can describe that intent;
course, courses, tutorial, certification, learn, learning, education, etc.
How many can you come up with? How many exist in any language? Fifteen, twenty?
Once you have those are basically done.

Depending on what service you provide and what segment of the market you target
it shouldn't be difficult to come up with ideas for words (not keywords yet).
You might have an e-commerce site, but want to mainly focus on cheap and
discounted products. Or maybe you have luxury items, and want to exclude words
that signify price sensitivity.

Let's say you have a job site and you know that you provide jobs for
engineering, graphic design, and marketing.
The words are easy to come up with; "job", "jobs", "careers", "vacancies",
"full time", "part time", "work", and so on.

Now what we can do is use the `kw_generate` function to come up with all
possible combinations (order doesn't matter) and/or permutations (order
matters) and get a ready-to-use table to upload and start running the campaign.

.. thebe-button::
    Run this code

.. code-block::
    :class: thebe, thebe-init

    import advertools as adv

    products = ['enginering', 'graphic design', 'marketing']
    words = ['jobs', 'careers', 'vacancies', 'full time', 'part time']

    kw_df = adv.kw_generate(products, words)

.. code-block::

             Campaign    Ad Group                             Keyword    Criterion Type               Labels
    0    SEM_Campaign  Enginering                     enginering jobs             Exact                 Jobs
    1    SEM_Campaign  Enginering                     enginering jobs            Phrase                 Jobs
    2    SEM_Campaign  Enginering                   +enginering +jobs             Broad                 Jobs
    3    SEM_Campaign  Enginering                  enginering careers             Exact              Careers
    4    SEM_Campaign  Enginering                  enginering careers            Phrase              Careers
    ..            ...         ...                                 ...              ...                  ...
    625  SEM_Campaign   Marketing       part time vacancies marketing            Phrase   Part Time;Vacancies
    626  SEM_Campaign   Marketing   +part +time +vacancies +marketing             Broad   Part Time;Vacancies
    627  SEM_Campaign   Marketing       part time full time marketing             Exact   Part Time;Full Time
    628  SEM_Campaign   Marketing       part time full time marketing            Phrase   Part Time;Full Time
    629  SEM_Campaign   Marketing  +part +time +full +time +marketing             Broad   Part Time;Full Time
    [630 rows x 5 columns]

Check the :func:`kw_generate` function for more options and details.
Once you have your keywords done, you can start creating ads using either the
:ref:`ad_create <ad_create>` function (bottom-up approach) or the
:ref:`ad_from_string <ad_from_string>` function (top-down approach).
"""  # noqa: E501

__all__ = [

import re
from itertools import combinations, permutations

import pandas as pd

[docs] def kw_generate( products, words, max_len=3, match_types=("Exact", "Phrase", "Modified"), capitalize_adgroups=True, order_matters=True, campaign_name="SEM_Campaign", ): """Generate a data frame of keywords using a list of products and relevant words. Parameters ---------- products: list A list of products to be used as the names of the ad groups. words : list Words that express interest in :attr:`products`, could be verbs or nouns, etc. max_len : int The maximum number of words to include in each permutation of final keywords. match_types : list One or more of ('Exact', 'Phrase', 'Modified', 'Broad'). capitalize_adgroups : bool Whether or not to set adgroup names in the "Ad Group" column to title case or keep them as is, default True. order_matters : bool Whether or not the order of words in keywords matters, default False. campaign_name : str Name of campaign. Returns ------- keywords_df : pandas.DataFrame Examples -------- >>> import advertools as adv >>> products = ['bmw', 'toyota'] >>> words = ['buy', 'second hand'] >>> kw_df = adv.kw_generate(products, words) >>> kw_df.head() Campaign Ad Group Keyword Criterion Type Labels 0 SEM_Campaign Bmw bmw buy Exact Buy 1 SEM_Campaign Bmw bmw buy Phrase Buy 2 SEM_Campaign Bmw +bmw +buy Broad Buy 3 SEM_Campaign Bmw bmw second hand Exact Second Hand 4 SEM_Campaign Bmw bmw second hand Phrase Second Hand >>> kw_df.tail() Campaign Ad Group Keyword Criterion Type Labels 55 SEM_Campaign Toyota second hand toyota buy Phrase Second Hand;Buy 56 SEM_Campaign Toyota +second hand +toyota +buy Broad Second Hand;Buy 57 SEM_Campaign Toyota second hand buy toyota Exact Second Hand;Buy 58 SEM_Campaign Toyota second hand buy toyota Phrase Second Hand;Buy 59 SEM_Campaign Toyota +second hand +buy +toyota Broad Second Hand;Buy Sometimes you want to retain capitalization and keep it as it as is in the "Ad Group" column. This is especially important for consistency with ads DataFrames for easier integration between the two. Set `capitalize_adgroups=False` to keep capitalization the same: >>> adv.kw_generate(['SEO'], ['services', 'provider'], capitalize_adgroups=False).head() Campaign Ad Group Keyword Criterion Type Labels 0 SEM_Campaign SEO SEO services Exact Services 1 SEM_Campaign SEO SEO services Phrase Services 2 SEM_Campaign SEO +SEO +services Broad Services 3 SEM_Campaign SEO SEO provider Exact Provider 4 SEM_Campaign SEO SEO provider Phrase Provider """ # noqa: E501 match_types = [x.title() for x in match_types] possible_match_types = ["Exact", "Phrase", "Broad", "Modified"] if not set(match_types).issubset(possible_match_types): raise ValueError( "please make sure match types are any of " + str(possible_match_types) ) if max_len < 2: raise ValueError("please make sure max_len is >= 2") comb_func = permutations if order_matters else combinations headers = ["Campaign", "Ad Group", "Keyword", "Criterion Type", "Labels"] keywords_list = [] for prod in products: for i in range(2, max_len + 1): for comb in comb_func([prod] + words, i): if prod not in comb: continue for match in match_types: row = [ campaign_name, prod.title() if capitalize_adgroups else prod, ( " ".join(comb) if match != "Modified" else "+" + " ".join(comb).replace(" ", " +") ), match if match != "Modified" else "Broad", ";".join([x.title() for x in comb if x != prod]), ] keywords_list.append(row) return pd.DataFrame.from_records(keywords_list, columns=headers)
[docs] def kw_broad(words): """Return :attr:`words` in broad match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in broad match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['[learn guitar]', '"guitar courses"', '+guitar +tutor'] >>> kw_broad(keywords) ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] """ regex = r"^\'|^\"|\'$|\"$|\+|^\[|\]$|^-" return [re.sub(regex, "", x) for x in words]
[docs] def kw_exact(words): """Return :attr:`words` in exact match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in exact match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] >>> kw_exact(keywords) ['[learn guitar]', '[guitar courses]', '[guitar tutor]'] """ return ["[" + w + "]" for w in kw_broad(words)]
[docs] def kw_phrase(words): """Return :attr:`words` in phrase match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in phrase match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] >>> kw_phrase(keywords) ['"learn guitar"', '"guitar courses"', '"guitar tutor"'] """ return ['"' + w + '"' for w in kw_broad(words)]
[docs] def kw_modified(words): """Return :attr:`words` in modified broad match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in modified broad match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] >>> kw_modified(keywords) ['+learn +guitar', '+guitar +courses', '+guitar +tutor'] """ return ["+" + w.replace(" ", " +") for w in kw_broad(words)]
[docs] def kw_neg_broad(words): """Return :attr:`words` in negative broad match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in negative broad match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] >>> kw_neg_broad(keywords) ['-learn guitar', '-guitar courses', '-guitar tutor'] """ return ["-" + w for w in kw_broad(words)]
[docs] def kw_neg_phrase(words): """Return :attr:`words` in negative phrase match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in negative phrase match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] >>> kw_neg_phrase(keywords) ['-"learn guitar"', '-"guitar courses"', '-"guitar tutor"'] """ return ["-" + w for w in kw_phrase(words)]
[docs] def kw_neg_exact(words): """Return :attr:`words` in negative exact match. Parameters ---------- words : list List of keywords in any match type. Returns ------- formatted : list List of :attr:`words` in negative exact match. Examples -------- >>> keywords = ['learn guitar', 'guitar courses', 'guitar tutor'] >>> kw_neg_exact(keywords) ['-[learn guitar]', '-[guitar courses]', '-[guitar tutor]'] """ return ["-" + w for w in kw_exact(words)]